Category Archives: Blog Post

Six Steps To Avoiding Tokenism

Fear of “tokenizing” is never an excuse for the startling lack of diversity of your arts organization.

Actor Boy: Travels in Birdsong, The Bog

Actor Boy hitches a ride on a songbird’s trill to travel back in time and interview memories from PEI’s past. Delving into race, justice and complicity this character from another future looks at the often forgotten past of Charlottetown’s early black community, The Bog.

Re-Making Fractal Engagement: 6 Perspectives

CHARLES CAMPBELL AND NICOLE SMYTH-JOHNSON On Monday April 21, 2014 Charles Campbell unveiled Actor Boy: Fractal Engagement, a commission of the EN MAS’: Carnival and Performance Art of the Caribbean … »Read More

Repeat and Rotate

Repeat and Rotate: Interplay of Utopia and History

by Toby Lawrence:
In this rupture, the realities and particularities of Jamaican history are brought to the surface of a modern utopian form. With the potential for ruin found in the impending removal of just one bulldog clip, the modernist constructs fastened by these mass-produced and imported commercial products no longer exist without the consideration of the assorted histories that have contributed to their present state.

Charles Campbell’s Geometries

Charles Campbell’s Geometries

by Helen Marzolf
Charles Campbell’s Transporter deploys beauty to tear open seamless historical narratives. He irritates partially skinned-over political wounds, pulls injustices from the past, reminding, on gorgeously surfaced works of art.

Current and Upcoming

Residencies and exhibitions for the Winter and Spring of 2013

Critical Juncture: Review of the 2012 National Biennial

The current National Biennial in Kingston is perhaps the best biennial to date, but it also reveals of some of the major deficits that exist in the Jamaican art scene.