Tag Archives: transporter

Repeat and Rotate: Interplay of Utopia and History

Posted by charles   on   in Blog Post

by Toby Lawrence:
In this rupture, the realities and particularities of Jamaican history are brought to the surface of a modern utopian form. With the potential for ruin found in the impending removal of just one bulldog clip, the modernist constructs fastened by these mass-produced and imported commercial products no longer exist without the consideration of the assorted histories that have contributed to their present state.

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Charles Campbell’s Geometries

Posted by charles   on   in Blog Post

by Helen Marzolf
Charles Campbell’s Transporter deploys beauty to tear open seamless historical narratives. He irritates partially skinned-over political wounds, pulls injustices from the past, reminding, on gorgeously surfaced works of art.

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Human Traffic: Past and Present

Posted by charles   on   in Blog Post

the themes and outcomes of a Conference on Human Trafficking hosted by Duke University

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Walking Jamaica’s art History

Posted by charles   on   in Blog Post

R.M. Vaughan from Globe and Mail reviews the exhibition ’Contemporary Jamaican Art: Circa 1962/Circa 2012′

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Time’s Ghetto

Posted by charles   on   in Blog Post

What claim does Caribbean art have to the future?

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Artzpub Minute

Posted by charles   on   in Blog Post

The Actor Boy/Transporter project at Alice Yard, Port of Spain, explained in one minute.

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Failure at the Yard

Posted by charles   on   in Blog Post

Transporter ventures to Port of Spain

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